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Купить книгу Architectural Digest/Ad 09-2018, автора
Architectural Digest/Ad 09-2018
АD (Architectural Digest) – ежемесячный журнал об архитектуре и дизайне интерьеров, рассчитанный на самых образованных, искушенных и состоятельных читателей.AD – это журнал для тех, кто интересуется интерьерным дизайном, следит за тенденциями и разнообразием стилей в архитектуре и при этом не чужд интереса к истории культуры и искусства.
Купить книгу Interni 02-2018, автора
Interni 02-2018
Купить книгу Interni 03-2018, автора
Interni 03-2018
Купить книгу Interni 04-2018, автора
Interni 04-2018
Купить книгу Interni 05-2018, автора
Interni 05-2018
Купить книгу Когда соборы были белыми. Путешествие в край нерешительных людей, автора Ле Корбюзье
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Когда соборы были белыми. Путешествие в край нерешительных людей
Книга выдающегося архитектора XX века Ле Корбюзье (1887–1965), впервые опубликованная в 1937 году, объединяет в себе документально-художественное повествование о первом посещении автором Америки и размышления о судьбах зодчества в эру технологического прогресса и урбанизма.
Купить книгу Царское Село. Знакомое и незнакомое, автора Галины Семеновой
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Царское Село. Знакомое и незнакомое
Впервые в одном издании столь обстоятельно рассказывается о возникновении и формировании одного из замечательнейших пригородов Санкт-Петербурга – Царского Села. Его история прослежена на протяжении более трех сотен лет существования. Множество малоизвестных любопытных сведений, приводимых автором, позволяют понять, что, как и когда влияло на планировку улиц и площадей, на создание уникальных парковых ландшафтов и знаменитых архитектурных ансамблей, обаяние которых неизменно привлекает сюда тысячи горожан и туристов. Очевидное достоинство книги в том, что главное внимание уделено не только дворцовым резиденциям, но и более прозаичным объектам городской инфраструктуры: улицам и строениям на них – среде, где проходит повседневная жизнь здешних жителей. Не остались забытыми и чрезвычайно интересные окрестности Царского Села.
Купить книгу Культовое зодчество. Часть 1, автора Т. Н. Манониной
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Культовое зодчество. Часть 1
Учебное пособие предназначено для изучения дисциплины «Культовое зодчество». Пособие содержит краткое изложение учебного материала по темам дисциплины. Рассматривается храмовая архитектура в различные периоды истории человечества. Храмостроительство дается как отражение религиозных культов в зодчестве различных стран и народов. Основное внимание уделяется храмовым постройкам языческих религий, храмам национальных и региональных верований (часть 1), а также архитектуре зданий мировых религий: христианства, ислама и буддизма (часть 2). Представленный в пособии иллюстративный материал значительно дополняет, обогащает и конкретизирует лекционный курс.
Купить книгу A Global History of Architecture, автора Vikramaditya  Prakash
A Global History of Architecture
The gold-standard exploration of architecture's global evolution A Global History of Architecture provides a comprehensive tour through the ages, spinning the globe to present the landmark architectural movements that characterized each time period. Spanning from 3,500 b.c.e. to the present, this unique guide is written by an architectural all-star team who emphasize connections, contrasts and influences, reminding us that history is not linear and that everything was 'modern architecture' in its day. This new third edition has been updated with new drawings from Professor Ching, including maps with more information and color, expanded discussion on contemporary architecture, and in-depth chapter introductions that set the stage for global views. The all-new online enhanced companion site brings history to life, providing a clearer framework through which to interpret and understand architecture through the ages. Unique in its non-Eurocentrism, this book provides a fresh survey of architectural history with a truly global perspective, fulfilling the National Architectural Accrediting Board's requirements for 'non-Western' architecture in history education. Track the history of architecture through a comparative timeline that spans the globe Learn how disparate design styles evolved side-by-side, and which elements migrated where Delve into non-Western architecture with expert insight and an historical perspective Explore further with an online Interactive Resource Center featuring digital learning tools Escalating globalization has expanded our perspective of both history and architecture beyond Europe and the U.S. Today's architects are looking far beyond the traditional boundaries, and history shows us that structures' evolution from shelter to art mirrors the hopes and fears of society along the way. A Global History of Architecture takes you inside history itself to witness the the growth and movements that built our world.
Купить книгу Designing the Rural. A Global Countryside in Flux, автора Christiane  Lange
Designing the Rural. A Global Countryside in Flux
The rural is not what it used to be. No longer simply a site for agricultural production for the city, the relationship between the rural and urban has become much more complex. Established categories such as rural /urban and village/city no longer hold true. Rural and urban conditions have become increasingly blurred, so how can we identify and distinguish their specific characteristics? Where is the rural, and what role does it play in an urbanised world? In developing countries the countryside is a volatile and contradictory landscape: legally designated rural areas look like dense slums; factories intersect fields and farmers no longer farm. In contrast, in developed regions, the rural has become a highly controlled landscape of production and consumption: industrialised agriculture coexists with leisure landscapes for tourism, retirement and recreation. This issue of AD investigates how architects and researchers are critically engaging with the rural as an experimental field of exploration. Contributors: Neil Brenner, Christiane Lange, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Sandra Parvu, Cole Roskam, Grahame Shane, Deane Simpson, and Milica Topalovic and Bas Princen Architects: Anders Abraham, Joshua Bolchover and John Lin (Rural Urban Framework), Ambra Fabi and Giovanni Piovene (Piovenefabi), Rainer Hehl, Stephan Petermann (OMA), Huang Sheng Yuan (FieldOffice), and Sandeep Virmani (Hunnarshala)
Купить книгу The Architect in Practice, автора David  Chappell
The Architect in Practice
Throughout its many editions, The Architect in Practice has remained a leading textbook used in the education of architects. While the content of the book has developed, the message and philosophy has remained constant: to provide students of architecture and young practitioners with a readable guide to the profession, outlining an architect's duties to their client and contractor, the key aspects of running a building contract, and the essentials of management, finance and drawing office procedure. The eleventh edition follows in that tradition. The text has been brought up to date to ensure it follows the new RIBA Plan of Work 2013 as the guide to the architect’s workflow. In addition, a number of changes to standard forms of contract were made with the publication of the JCT 2011 suite of contracts, and the RIBA Standard Form for the Appointment of an Architect 2010 (2012 Revision). These new forms are fully covered. In addition, the opportunity has been taken to reorganise the layout so that the content flows in a way that is more consistent with current architectural practice, and to deal with the increasing use of BIM. The eleventh edition of The Architect in Practice continues to provide the guidance and advice all students and practising architects need in the course of their studies and in their profession.
Купить книгу Made by Robots. Challenging Architecture at a Larger Scale, автора
Made by Robots. Challenging Architecture at a Larger Scale
In the next decade or so, the widespread adoption of robotics is set to transform the construction industry: building techniques will become increasingly automated both on- and off-site, dispensing with manual labour and enabling greater cost and operational efficiencies. What unique opportunities, however, does robotics afford beyond operational effectiveness explicitly for the practice of architecture? What is the potential for the serial production of non-standard elements as well as for varied construction processes? In order to scale up and advance the application of robotics, for both prefabrication and on-site construction, there needs to be an understanding of the different capabilities, and these should be considered right from the start of the design and planning process. This issue of AD showcases the findings of the Architecture and Digital Fabrication research module at the ETH Zurich Future Cities Laboratory in Singapore, directed by Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler, which explores the possibilities of robotic construction processes for architecture and their large-scale application to the design and construction of high-rise buildings. Together with other contributors, such as Philippe Morel, Neri Oxman, François Roche and Antoine Picon, they also look at the far-reaching transformations starting to occur within automated fabrication: in terms of liberation of labour, entrepreneurship, the changing shape of building sites, in-situ fabrication and, most significantly, design. Contributors: Thomas Bock, Jelle Feringa, Philippe Morel, Neri Oxman, Antoine Picon and François Roche. ETH Zurich contributors: Michael Budig, Norman Hack, Willi Lauer and Jason Lim and Raffael Petrovic (Future Cities Laboratory), Volker Helm, Silke Langenberg and Jan Willmann. Featured entrepreneurs: Greyshed, Machineous, Odico Formwork Robotics, RoboFold and ROB Technologies.